Article 1 – General Rules
Section 1 (Name)
hereinafter referred to as the “Academy”
Section 2 (Objects)
The objectives of this Academy are to gain knowledge on and to better understand the characteristics of diseases of pediatric allergy, respirology and immunology, and to cure, control and prevent their spread in the Asia Pacific region, using the most up to date or the best scientific evidence based medicine of the time.
Section 3 (Activities)
The Academy shall conduct the following activities in accordance with the Academy’s objectives.
- Activities to promote interchange among medical practitioners and professionals related to pediatric allergy, respirology and immunology in the Asia Pacific region.
- Activities to host appropriate meetings, operate an APAPARI-website and publish materials to exchange clinical and research information.
- Research activities on pertinent diseases.
- Educational and training programs in the Asia Pacific region.
Section 4 (Head Office)
The head office shall be located at the President’s country or region of residency.
Section 5 (Sections)
The Academy will organize research activities on pediatric allergy, respirology and immunology in the Asia Pacific region. The Academy may also collaborate with other related international bodies to organize meetings outside of the Asia Pacific region.
Article 2 – Membership
Section 6 (Eligibility)
Members shall be individuals or societies of pediatricians or pediatricians in training or pediatric allergists, pediatric pulmonologists, or pediatric immunologists in the Asia-Pacific region who subscribe to the objectives of the Academy, and who are involved in pediatric allergy, respirology and immunology. Members may participate in research projects and meetings hosted by the Academy, and gain access to information via the Academy’s website and published materials, and in all of Academy’s activities open to members. Members will go through an application and approval procedure stipulated by the APAPARI Council to become a member.
- Individual Membership: any interested individual meeting the above criteria from Asia-Pacific countries or autonomous regions. Under this category, individuals who are 40 years of age and younger will be considered as Young APAPARI Members.
- Society Membership: any registered or official national society, institute or association in pediatric allergy, respirology or immunology, or if none, national groups of pediatric allergy, respirology or immunology. Application to the Academy will be considered and approved by the Council.
- Corporate Membership: any interested pharmaceutical or medically related companies or related industries. Invitations will be approved and extended by the Council.
- Associate Membership: any interested paramedical personnel like physiotherapist, occupational therapists or psychologist. Application will be considered and approved by the Council.
- Honorary Membership: any world-renowned clinicians or scientists in the fields of allergy, respirology or immunology, or any individual who has good standing and has contributed to APAPARI in an outstanding manner. Honorary members can only be elected by the Council of the Academy.
- The Council may decide to amend, add, or delete any category of membership as deemed fit to the advancement of the purposes of the Academy.
Section 7 (Responsibility)
Members of the Academy shall have the following responsibilities.
- Members shall support the Academy and participate in meetings organized or endorsed by the Academy or communicate with the Academy via electronic means.
- Members shall practice evidence-based medicine and support the objects and activities of the Academy. Members must not disgrace the Academy or provide medical treatment that are not based on the best available evidence of the time.
Article 3 – Governance
Section 8 (The Council)
The Council is the highest governing body of the Academy. Its membership consists of the Office Bearers, namely, the President, the President-Elect, the Secretary, and the Treasurer and other members. Other members of the Council are: Directors, and a maximum of two Country Representatives of each Asian country or autonomous region, and the Immediate Past President. These are the official members of the Council.
Section 9 (Office Bearers)
The President is the leader and external representative of the Academy and is responsible for planning, daily running, and making major decisions of all matters of the Academy. He/she will preside in all meetings of the Council and major meetings of the Academy. He/she is elected at the yearly Council meeting and serves a 2-year term, at the end of which he/she is eligible for re-election for a further term only by the Council.
The President-elect is to succeed the President when his/her term ends. He/she is to assist the President in his/her work and stand on behalf of the President on his/her absence or inability to serve. He/she is elected by the Council during its yearly meeting and will serve until he/she becomes President.
The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of meetings, activities, research, correspondence, and statements of the Academy, and will assist the President in any secretarial work in both physical and electronic aspects. He/she is elected at the yearly Council meeting and serves a term of 2 years, after which he/she is eligible for re-election for a further term only by the Council.
The Treasurer is responsible for all financial matters and should keep a proper financial record of the Academy’s accounts and assets. He is also responsible for making sure that all financial transactions are ethical, legal and compatible to the law of the country where it takes place. He/she is elected at the yearly Council meeting and serves a term of 2 years, after which he/she is eligible for re-election for a further 2 term only by the Council.
Section 10 (Other Council members)
Directors are responsible for the conduct of specific work assigned by the Council. They are responsible for the development and execution of the specific work, and they should report to the President on the progress of their work. Directors are proposed by the President and approved by the Council. They may serve a term that is stipulated by the Council. Presently, there is a Director for each of the following areas:
- Education, and
- International relations
The President and the Council may decide to appoint further Directors on other areas as they deem fit. The President and the Council may also decide to abolish or amend the terms of the Directors when necessary.
Working groups may be set up also by the President and Council to promote work in special areas as necessary. A Co-Ordinator will be appointed and he/she will report to the President and Council on their work.
Country Representatives represent each country or independent jurisdiction to be part of the Council. If a national society, institute, or association exists in Paediatric Allergy, Respirology or Immunology, and is willing to become a Society Member, they will be invited to appoint a maximum of 2 representatives to become members of the Council. The terms of appointment will be determined by each country or independent jurisdiction. If no official society exists in that country, the Council may invite any Individual Member coming from that country to become a Country representative. He/she will represent that country until an official national society is established. Each country will only have a maximum of 2 representative in the Council at any one time, other than the Office Bearers. The Country Representatives are responsible for liaison between the Academy and the national society, and to promote and encourage the national society’s participation in the Academy.
Section 11 (Executive Board)
The Office Bearers, the Immediate Past President and the Directors will form the Executive Board to manage the running of the Academy. The President may propose other members to participate in the executive Board, with the approval of the Council.
Section 12 (Advisory Board)
The Past Presidents, Founding members, Honorary members and any other individual the Council may deem fit will constitute the Advisory Board. Members of Advisory Board will be eligible to attend the yearly Council meetings but will have no voting rights.
Article 4 – Meetings
Section 13 (General Meeting)
The Council will hold a General Meeting, physical or virtual (via internet/media), at least once a year to stipulate affairs of the Academy. Only official members of the Council and members of the Advisory Board are allowed to attend the meeting. Other members may be invited by the President to attend part or all of the meeting for business purposes. However, only official members will have voting rights.
Country Representatives are expected to attend the yearly General Meeting. If for any reason this is impossible, he/she should send a representative to attend, and notify the Secretary beforehand.
The Agenda of the yearly General Meeting will consist at least of the following:
- Report from the Secretary on the Academy’s activities of the past year,
- Report from the Treasurer on the finances and accounts of the Academy in the past year,
- Report from the Directors on activities and developments in the past year,
- Report from Country Representatives on activities related to the Academy,
- Report from Heads of Working Groups in their activities,
- Planning of future meetings,
- Election of Office Bearers, if any.
Notice of meeting should be given by the Secretary, physical or electronic, at least 21 days before the General Meeting.
Section 14 (Other meetings)
The President or the Council may convene other general meetings to stipulate matters whenever necessary, with due notice given to official members. A special general meeting of the Council may be convened at the request of no less than 20% of the current official members of the Council, with due notice given to all official members.
The Office Bearers and Directors may convene business, scientific, research or any meetings as needed to stipulate matters related to their work in the Academy. Proper records should be kept, and relevant decisions reported to the President and Council in due course.
Decision on Dissolution of the Academy: The Decision on the dissolution of the Academy may be made by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at a Business Meeting or on the Academy’s website, provided that more than one-half of all members have participated. For the meeting, announcement of meeting shall be made twice in two-week intervals, one month prior to the meeting.
Article 5 – Finance
Section 15 (Financial Resources)
The Academy shall utilize the following financial resources to conduct its operations.
- General Account: The Academy shall utilize the following financial resources for basic operations of the Academy. The basic operations include 1) regular meetings such as meetings of the Executive Board and General Meetings; 2) operation of the Academy’s website; 3) publishing and distribution of printed materials, and 4) coverage of speakers for the Academy’s International Symposia and Educational Workshops (airplane tickets).
- (a-1)Revenue from Advertising: Advertising on the Academy’s website and printed materials.
- (a-2)Contributions: Financial and material contributions from pertinent organizations.
- (a-3)Operating Budget: Revenue from sales of printed materials and surplus from the Special Account.
- Special Account: The Academy shall utilize the following financial resources for special meetings including off-line Section Meetings, academic seminars, and education/training sessions other operations. Surplus shall be transferred to General Account upon completion of operations.
- (b-1)Registration Fee in Academic Seminars: Registration fee charged to participants when an academic seminar is hosted by the Academy.
- (b-2) Revenue from Advertising: Advertising in the printed materials and fee paid for participation in exhibitions.
- (b-3)Contributions: Financial and material contributions from pertinent organizations.
Section 16 (Administration)
The Academy’s properties and assets shall be applied solely towards the promotion of the Academy’s objectives as set in forth in this Bylaw, and no part of the properties shall inure, directly or indirectly, to the benefit of any member of the Academy. To this end, the following rules shall be observed.
- The Location of Property and Assets: The Properties and Assets of the Academy shall be deposited in a financial institution located within the boundary of the national or local government of the President’s affiliation. International credit rating given to the financial institution shall be reviewed.
- Investment: Increasing the Academy’s properties and assets shall be limited to interest payment from banks.
- (b-1)All investments including real estate is prohibited.
- (b-2)Use of trust or other investment institution is prohibited.
- Accounting Book: A detailed Accounting Book recording all transactions shall be maintained.
- (c-1)The General Account and the Special Account shall be recorded and kept separately.
- Audit: Financial audit for the fiscal year and financial audit for period from the end of the fiscal year to date of the Council Meeting shall be conducted separately.
- (d-1)Auditing report shall be submitted to the Academy’s Auditor by the last day of October each year.
- (d-2)Financial transactions that occurred up to 21 days prior to the regular Council Meeting shall be audited by the Academy’s Auditor.
- In Event of Dissolution: In the event of the dissolution of the Academy, any surplus property or assets as of the date of dissolution shall be transferred to an existing association with similar goals selected by the Council.
Section 17 (Fiscal Year)
A Fiscal Year shall end at the end of October, to be completed with auditing and reporting to the General Meeting in the same month.
Article 6 – Audit
Section 18 (Audit)
The contents of the Audit on the operations and finance of the Academy shall be reported to the annual Council Meeting according to the following criteria.
- Audit on operations and finance ending in October once every three years.
- Audit on operations from the date of the audit to the date of the Council Meeting.
Article 7 – Dissolution
Section 19 (Dissolution)
The dissolution of the Academy may be proposed by no less than 30% of the current official members of the Council and passed by no less than a 2/3 majority of the Council.
Article 8 – Additional Rules
Section 20 (Convention)
Items not defined in this Bylaw shall conform to bylaws of associations with similar goals, or resolutions made by the Council according to the general convention of international academic seminars.
Section 21 (Amendment)
This Bylaw may be amended by a resolution of the Council.
Section 22 (Other Provisions)
The Academy may set forth other provisions for special operations, such as Junior Members Group activities, insofar as the provisions do not violate this Bylaw.
Section 23 (Effectuation of Articles)
This Bylaw shall be effective upon the Council’s approval.